Review Article – Vanadium haloperoxidases

From the discovery 30 years ago to X-Ray crystallographic and V K-edge absorption spectroscopic studies

Coordination Chemistry Reviews, , Available online 21 February 2015,
C. Leblanc, H. Vilter, J.-B. Fournier, L. Delage, P. Potin, E. Rebuffet, G. Michel, P.L. Solari, M.C. Feiters, M. Czjzek

In the environment, vanadium-dependent haloperoxidases (VHPO) are likely to play a key role in the production of biogenic organo-halogens. These enzymes contain vanadate as a prosthetic group, and catalyze, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the oxidation of halide ions (Cl−, Br− or I−).

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